Monday, September 28, 2009

Wedding Dress Photography - SuBie

Had the first ever chance to try out outdoor model shooting, with SuBie, a sweet and very professional model in her purest white wedding dress.

KenTeh_SuBie (5)

KenTeh_SuBie (4)

KenTeh_SuBie (28)

KenTeh_SuBie (22)

KenTeh_SuBie (12)


KenTeh_SuBie (9)

KenTeh_SuBie (20)

KenTeh_SuBie (16)

Here, for full set of album.


  1. hi Ken. some of them quite well. good job. :)
    did u try u 50mm lens? might hv better result.
    little comment is try to interact with the model to capture the natural behaviour & movement.

    jia you.

  2. thanks khan, i will take note on that.:)

    i didnt try on 50mm, coz i wanna bring out the overall feeling of the scene, the interaction of model and the surroundings.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
